Saturday, February 15, 2014

As High As I Can Reach

Presently, there are no words to describe the creative high I am experiencing. I've always been one to take on a number of projects and see which has staying power and which will run out of gas, but lately, they all seem promising. I offer a massive thank you to everyone who I've networked with, begun a collaboration with, or otherwise worked with over the last few months. Because of what we've accomplished together and what I've been able to do on my own, I've never felt better about my abilities than I do right now.

But am I satisfied? Far from it. I still have much to learn if I want to reach higher still and achieve my dreams, lofty as they are.

You see, observing the actors rehearse my work in Florida caused an itch to form in my creative brain that writing prose has not been able to scratch. I've been lucky enough to start a project with game developer to write my favorite type of game but even that isn't where my heart truly is. I want to write for the screen, whether it be movies or television shows.

There is something beyond magical that happens when I see what an actor can do with one of my characters. Even the majority of the characters of my short-lived radio play resonated with me profoundly. The feeling was sort of like meeting an old friend you haven't seen for a while and then discovering that they've taken on some traits you never noticed before. It is nostalgic but fresh as well. Familiar and strange yet in a way that brings a smile to my face.

I can't get enough of it!

I am eager to see what comes of the characters and world I am working on for Bio's Remnant, but a large part of my soul will yearn for a time when I have the right people in my network to turn the television ideas currently in development (shout out to Sam, Samantha, and Christa, respectively) into fully filmed and produced pilots. I realize the odds against such things, sure, so I don't require any lectures. I will always be one who separates his eggs out into different baskets.

 Maybe it is fitting that both TV notions currently in development are science-fiction projects. I feel as if I am reaching for the stars. Maybe I'll ride a fictional ship out of my imagination into the figurative stars. Only time (as relative as it is) will tell.


1 comment:

  1. Drop me a comment, let me know what you are dreaming about.
